Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Continuous integration with jenkins - soa deployment

This blog will give you clear idea on deployment of SOA projects from subversion using jenkins. I have a Jenkins job which is configured for SOA project, this jenkins job will compiled, packaged and deployed to SOA Server. SOA projects contains two files called build.xml and files, this build.xml file contains the project and server details. I am using SVN repository to checkin the source code.

step 1: Create a SampleSOA project

step 2: Select File -> New -> Ant -> Application Build File

step 3: Create build.xml and files

step 4: Select Version Application

step 5: Enter svn repository URL, username and password. Click on Test Read Access, in the Status textarea Access grants to the repository.

step 6: Create a sampleSOA directory and click on Next

step 7: Click on Finish button.
step 8: project versioned.

step 9: Commit the project to SVN repository.

step 10: Open jenkins url in the browser and click on manage jenkins.

step 11: Click on Configure System

step 12: In the JDK section, enter Name as java and enter java path at JAVA_HOME text field. In the Ant section, enter Name as ant and enter ant path at ANT_HOME text field.

step 13: In  the Artifactory Configuration section, enter Artifactory server url

step 14: Back to jenkins home page and click on create new jobs.

step 15: Enter Item name as SampleSOA and select Build a free-style software project. Click on OK

step 16: Enter project name as SampleSOA

step 17: select subversion and enter subversion project url

step 18: In the Build section, click on Add build step

step 19: Select Ant Version, enter Build File as SampleSOA/build.xml and enter following in the Properties textarea. After entering the code click on save button.

step 20: Click on Build Now

step 21: In the build history you can find the build and click on the build link.

step 22: build successful message is displayed on build logs.

step 23: Open enterprise manager console and check the project is deployed.

step 24: Check the project build file is in artifactory.