Monday, 7 July 2014

soa suite 12c - subprocess

One of the new feature of soa suite 12c is subprocess. BPEL subprocess is a reusable component that can be used during the bpel process execution. soa suite supports two type of subprocess: standalone subprocess and inline subprocess. Lets start with standalone subprocess

standalone subprocess:
standalone subprocess is a separate process that can be invoked from main bpel process. For standalone bpel subprocess a separate file is create with .sbpel extension. A subprocess call activity is used to invoke subprocess from main bpel process. Now I will show how to invoke standalone subprocess.

1. create a new application with Composite with subprocess option.
2. enter the subprocess name.
3. subprocess design page is displayed.
4. create Synchronous BPEL Process.
5. drag a file adapter to write a input data into a particular location. I will use this file service in bpel  subprocess. so wire the file service with subprocess. 
6. Open bpel process. drag a assign activity and add simple concat code to output variable. 
7. Now open subprocess and drag one invoke activity. Wire invoke activity with file service and accept       default input variable name and click ok. 

9. create on variable of string type in the subprocess
10. drag assign activity and wire the newly created variable with the file service input variable.

10. back to main bpel process. expand subprocesses at components, drag and drop the subprocess next to
    the assign activity.
11. Double click on subprocess call activity. select input variable in the value field for variable1(this variable         is created in subprocess). so that we are passing the input value from main bpel process to subprocess.

12. build and deploy the project. The main bpel process call the subprocess and also sends the input data to 
      subprocess. The subprocess will create a file.

inline subprocess:
inline subprocess a subprocess that is a part of main bpel process. A reusable scope is converted into subprocess and this subprocess is used in the main bpel process for code reuse. inline subprocess is not shown in composite file, it is a part of bpel process.

1. Create a BPEL application
 2. Create a synchronous bpel process
 3. create a file adapter
 4. wire the file service with bpel process
 5. open bpel process and add scope activity between receive and reply
 6. within the scope activity drag invoke activity and wire the invoke activity to writefile service. I am making this scope as reusable. so i am converting this scope to subprocess. click on convert to a subprocess button.
 7. enter scope name as InlineScope
 8. drag assign activity between receive and call1 activity. open assign activity and wire input variable to invoke input variable.
 9. expand subprocess component. drag inlinescope subprocess and drop it next to call1 activity
 10. drag assign activity between call1 and call2 subprocess
 11. open assign activity and add expression to invoke input variable
 12. call1 activity creates a file with the input which you have give during testing. call2 activity creates another file with the input which you have assigned in assign2 activity.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

12c features

soa suite 12c new Adapters:
MSMQ - used to integrate with microsoft MQ
Coherence - used to connect to coherence data grid
LDAP - used to connect to LDAP v3 directory server
MFT - used to connect to mft server
JD Edwards World - used to connect JD Edwards
SAP - used to connect SAP applications
salesforce - used to connect to salesforce

soa suite 12c new components:
schedule job
soap (old webservice)
repeat until
exit (old terminate)

Friday, 4 July 2014

Job scheduler in soa 12c

In soa suite 12c soa scheduler is one of the feature introduced. This post will give step by step guide to implement soa scheduler in 12c. we need ess server to implement soa scheduler. please refer my previous posts to create ess server. Before going to start ensure that weblogic admin and managed servers (soa & ess) are up and running.

1. deploy one soa project. I have deployed synchronous bpel process.

2. after starting soa and ess server, expand Scheduling services and click on ESSAPP(ess_server1). click on     scheduling service as shown, select job metadata and select job definitions.  Here we are going to create       job definition to our deployed project. This required the deployed project wsdl url. copy the wsdl url

3. click create button to configure job
 4. enter name and display name job1. enter package as /job1, select job type as syncwebservicejobtype
     and click on select web service

 5. paste copied wsdl, select web service type as soa and click on Go.

 6. select service, port type and select operation. enter payload for input and click ok

 7. job configuration completed. click ok

8. Now we are going to submit our configured job to schedule. For that right click on job requests and select     submit job requests.

9. search for job

10. enter recently create job name for search and click on go. it will search and gives the result for search           and click on ok.

 11. select specify schedule option, select frequency here i am selecting hourly/minute. i am making hour as 0
       and minute as 1. It means it will schedule job for every minute. I want to run my project continuously so        i am removing tick mark on use end date. We have all done and click on ok. Now the job is scheduled          for every minute.

 12. click on your project and open instances. you can find the job is triggered for every minute.