In soa suite 12c soa scheduler is one of the feature introduced. This post will give step by step guide to implement soa scheduler in 12c. we need ess server to implement soa scheduler. please refer my previous posts to create ess server. Before going to start ensure that weblogic admin and managed servers (soa & ess) are up and running.
1. deploy one soa project. I have deployed synchronous bpel process.
2. after starting soa and ess server, expand Scheduling services and click on ESSAPP(ess_server1). click on scheduling service as shown, select job metadata and select job definitions. Here we are going to create job definition to our deployed project. This required the deployed project wsdl url. copy the wsdl url
3. click create button to configure job
4. enter name and display name job1. enter package as /job1, select job type as syncwebservicejobtype
and click on select web service
5. paste copied wsdl, select web service type as soa and click on Go.
6. select service, port type and select operation. enter payload for input and click ok
7. job configuration completed. click ok
11. select specify schedule option, select frequency here i am selecting hourly/minute. i am making hour as 0
and minute as 1. It means it will schedule job for every minute. I want to run my project continuously so i am removing tick mark on use end date. We have all done and click on ok. Now the job is scheduled for every minute.
12. click on your project and open instances. you can find the job is triggered for every minute.
1. deploy one soa project. I have deployed synchronous bpel process.
4. enter name and display name job1. enter package as /job1, select job type as syncwebservicejobtype
and click on select web service
8. Now we are going to submit our configured job to schedule. For that right click on job requests and select submit job requests.
9. search for job
10. enter recently create job name for search and click on go. it will search and gives the result for search and click on ok.
and minute as 1. It means it will schedule job for every minute. I want to run my project continuously so i am removing tick mark on use end date. We have all done and click on ok. Now the job is scheduled for every minute.
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